c861546359 Andhra Pradesh Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2010 shall be deemed to have . Dated: 13.3.2010 - Procedural Instructions for fixation of pay of employees and.. 25 Feb 2010 . Revised Pay Scales, 2010 as against the fitment benefit of 27% recommended . procedure as was done with the last PRC will be followed. 4.. 68, PRC Pay Fixation Procedure, PRC Pay Fixation Illustration, Memo 68 Telangana PRC Implementation . Pay in the existing pay scales, 2010, 14860.. PRC 2010 GOMsNo 52 & OTHER PRC RELATED GOs RELEASED: . 52 on 25/02/2010 to implement Revised Pay Scales under Pay Revision . Dated: 13.3.2010 - Procedural Instructions for fixation of pay of employees and Audit of Claims.. 13 Apr 2010 . DOWNLOAD RPS-2010 - PRC SOFTWARE AT ONE PLACE. Here are some of the programmes developed by our teachers to make the job of New PRC fixation easy. Download them, read . This is meant to prepare difference table only. . NEW PRC PAY FIXATION SOFTWARE FOR A.P. GOVT EMPLOY.. Andhra Pradesh Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2010 shall be deemed to have . Dated: 13.3.2010 - Procedural Instructions for fixation of pay of employees and.. PRC-1993 . Ms.No:102 Dt:19.6.1992 Interim Relief pending Revision of Scales of Pay. . Ms.No:351 dt:15.10.1994 Fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales.. and his entire team in the Office of PRC and in particular Sri M. V. Ramanaiah and Sri . The Commission recommends a fitment of 29 % on Basic Pay. . till such time as the commutation table is revised by the Government of India. . 1.2.2010. Rs.1629.78 cr. 02.02. The constitution of a Pay Commission, at regular intervals,.. 11, Pay on Option date in New Scales, 32350, Revised Scale of Pay, 16150-42590, 16925, 9285, 14,860, 1, 13,271, 350, 220, 220, 130, PRC Date, 7/1/2008, 09.. 9 Jul 2017 - 6 min - Uploaded by CREATING GOOD SOCIETYPRC Arrears Bill Preparation Instructions, STO , DDOs instructions. . Minimum Pay .. 10 Feb 2015 . Andhra Pradesh Pay Revision Commission 43% Fitment Table. AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu has announced that the Present Govt is giving.. 26 Apr 2010 . This is another new RPS-2010(PRC-2008) Pay Fixation Software from Sri. K. Srinivasa Reddy working in the O/o DEO, Hyderabad. Click on the.. 25 Feb 2010 . procedure as was done with the last PRC will be followed. . Principles of fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales of 2010: . Desk Officer.. 15 Apr 2010 . You can get all Fixation Tables, New PRC Scales etc from the . .ziddu.com/download/9459718/RPS-2010FixationTablesScales.rar.html 4.. 10th PRC Pay Revision Commission for Telangana State Government . The following circular provides Procedures for fixation of of pay of Telangana State.. 2010. Sub:- PUBLIC SERVICES Revision of Pay Scales, 2010 Procedural Instructions for fixation of pay of employees in the Revised Pay Scales, 2010 and.. 9 Jul 2013 . BSNL has released Revised Fitment Table for fixation of pay based on 50% of DA with pay . 1-16/2010-PAT(BSNL) dated 10.6.2013.. 10 May 2010 . February, 2010 constituted the 9th Pay Revision Commission consisting of. Justice R. . One of the basic principles for pay fixation is that salary must . between Kerala and India is increasing in recent years (Table 3). . The 8th PRC recommended the minimum pay of Rs.4330 taking into account the.. 1, *P R T U*, P R C -2010 READY RECKENER 38% *P R T U*. 2, PAYon, DA, FITMENT, TOTAL, PAY FIXED IN RPS-2010, PAYon, DA, FITMENT, TOTAL.. Fixation Table PRC-08. Uploaded by . Prc 2010 Fixation Principles Rules . Minimum Pay. 3950/-. 6700/-. 2. Maximum Pay. 30765/-. 55660/-. 3. Fitment. 0.22. http://endirom.com/article?daygshali
Prc 2010 Pay Fixation Table
Updated: Mar 17, 2020